Jamb matriculation list

Lesson Note For Jss1: Information Transmission

 Information Transmission refers to the process of conveying information from one point to another through various mediums and technologies. This process involves several key components, including the source of the information, the transmission medium, the receiver, and often encoding and decoding mechanisms.

Methods of Information Transmision

There are two methods of transmitting information, namely:

A. Modern Method of Information Transmission

B. Ancient Method of Information Transmission

Modern Methods of Information Transmission

Digital Communication: Uses digital signals to transmit information electronically, often over the internet.

Wireless Communication: Relies on radio waves to transmit data without physical connections, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular networks.

Fiber Optic Communication: Employs light signals through optical fibers to achieve high-speed data transmission over long distances.

Satellite Communication: Utilizes satellites to relay information across the globe, important for TV broadcasts, GPS, and global internet access.

Broadcast Media: Disseminates information widely through television and radio broadcasts.

Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that facilitate instant information sharing and communication among users.

Ancient Methods of Information Transmission

Oral Tradition: Sharing information verbally through stories, songs, and speeches.

Written Messages: Using materials like clay tablets, papyrus, and parchment for recording and transmitting information.

Smoke Signal: Utilizing patterns of smoke to send coded messages over distances.

Signal Fires: Lighting fires in specific sequences to convey messages.

Carrier Pigeons: Training birds to deliver written messages between designated locations.

Process of Information Transmission:

Encoding: The source encodes the message into a transmittable form.

Transmission: The encoded message is sent through the chosen medium.

Reception: The receiver gets the transmitted message.

Decoding: The receiver decodes the message back into its original form for understanding.

Importance of Information Transmission:

Communication: Enables interaction between individuals and groups.

Education: Facilitates the dissemination of knowledge and information.

Commerce: Supports business activities, including transactions and coordination.

Entertainment: Delivers content such as movies, music, and games.

Emergency Services: Critical for alerting and coordinating responses during emergencies.

Means of Information Transmission

There are two means of transmitting information

i. Electronic Means of Information Transmission: As the name implies, it relies on electrical signals to convey information.

Examples of Electronic Means of Transmitting Information: 

There are many examples of electronic means of transmitting information They include;

  1. prints
  2. Telephone
  3. Radio
  4. Television
  5. Fax
  6. Satellite
  7. Internet
  8. GSM

ii. Non-Electronic Means of Transmitting information

The means do not require electrical signals for information to be transmitted.

Examples of non-electronics means of transmitting information

They include:

  1. Oral
  2. Beating of drums
  3. Fire lighting
  4. Whistling
  5. Drawing diagrams
  6. Making representation

Modes of Receiving Information

Messages can be received by three major ways. These include:

i. Audio

ii. Visual

iii. Audio-visual

Audio: This is a mode of communication where data are received via sound or voice without seeing the pictures. E.g. through Radio, Telephone, Beating of drums, Town crying (except the town crier is closer) etc

Visual: This is a mode of receiving information through prints or pictures alone without sound or voice e.g. prints, Drawings, Computer printers, Telex, fax machines etc

Audio-visual: This is a mode of receiving information in both visual and audio form; i.e. both hearing sound and voice, and seeing pictures. E.g. Television, Oral, etc

Overall, information transmission is essential for various aspects of modern life, enabling efficient and effective communication and functioning of society.
